torsdag 8 november 2012

The Swede Who Brought Bitchin' Beer To The Philippines


The article The Swede Who Brought Bitchin' Beer To The Philippines is now availabe at Taps Magazine!

Read it and enjoy!

Keep updated for more information about our brewery!

torsdag 1 november 2012

Waiting for an article

We are waiting curiously for this magazine and their article "The Swede who brought Bitchin' Beer to the Philppines"

Bumpy butt...!!!

Our second beer is Buppy Butt!!

Bumpy Butt is brewed with single malt and single hop, and secondary fermentation is taking place in the keg. Same like ye old fashion way in wooden butt on horse drawn wagons over bumpy roads, from the brewery to the warehouse. This natural old fashioned process of brewing Ales producess a unique foamy beer as it was all those years ago as far back as 1882.

Stout Ale and Pale Ale

Importing more kegs

More kegs where imported to produce more beeeeeerr!!! :)

Our hard-working beer team

Article about Black Bitch

Read the Beer and brewer article about our Black bitch and G Point brewery!!

Black Bitch!!

This is our fist made beer, named "black bitch".

The name is taken from a Scottish town; Linlithgow's tale, it's about a black greyhound whose master was sentenced to starve to death in the middle of the lake, she used to swim everyday, with food for him and ended up saving his life, the townspeople took the symbol of the dog's bravery and loyalty as their own and people from this town are proud to be known as "BLACK BITCHES". We named our beer Black Bitch, following the footsteps of the original Scottish Stout/Porter Ale style.

Installing the "walk-in chiller"

A normal day in the brewery

Our logo